
Fun With Math 

On Tuesday, the students learned about symmetry. We practiced cutting certain shapes in half and seeing if they were symmetric. Then the kids got to make their own symmetry butterfly. 

Wednesday we learned about solid shapes. The students went around the room and identified different objects that were solid figures. After, I gave each child a bag with foods that were in the shapes of solid figures. Cheese (cube), sphere (cereal) Starburst (rectangular prism) and so on. Once the students sorted the shapes, they got to enjoy an afternoon snack and I got to enjoy lots of smiles! 

Friday was a great day in our class. The students got to conduct their first experiment. We are currently learning about the weather and how temperature can affect things. The kids put glow sticks in hot and cold water and observed what would happen to them. The glow stick in the hot water would shine brightly while the cold water caused the other glow stick to become less vivid.

The students wrote down their predictions as well as their observations for the experiment. They really enjoyed just watching the neon glowing in the water. Oh the little things :) 

I was inducted into the National Honor Society for Educators on February 21st. 

My very first classroom party.

The students have been loving my Ipad and I let them use it during free time.

The kids made their Valentine's bags the day before and we lined them up along the windowsill. 

These were my Valentine's to my students. It included heart shaped marshmellow Peeps, chocolate, and graham crackers. "I like you s'more and s'more each day!"

They absolutly loved them (and the mess they made).

Finally time to exchange the cards :)

It was a fantastic day. I can't wait to get ready for my favorite holiday, St. Patrick's!!

I got to decorate a bulletin board last week and I thought it would be a perfect time for a Valentine's theme. I took coffee filters and cut them out in the shape of hearts for each kiddo. We used markers to decorate and then dripped water on them to get the tye dye effect. Once they dried, I had each student write "I love you" in a different language. We learned how to say I love you in 24 languages! The students had a great time and I think they turned out great.

Finished my 1st week of student teaching at Dana Street Elementary. I'm in 3rd grade with Mrs. Doyle and I love it!!!! I cannot wait to dive into teaching actual lessons next week. The students are so welcoming and I feel like I've been there all year. I also get to rearrange the room on Tuesday :) I'll be making room in the middle so I can teach some lessons through movement