



The students of Dana Street got a chance to be meteorologists for a specific state. The students dressed up according to the weather for their state and reported the weather for a specific day. 

Some clips of my science experiments for our weather unit. 

Last week I created a Fraction Learning Center to help the students review for the test. There were 5 centers total. They included a review worksheet, a Pizza Fraction game, measuring objects, a cookie fraction writing prompt, and a game on my Ipad. 

The learning center was a new experience for both the children and I. I think that it's something I would like to work on more in the future when I have my own classroom. The kids responded really well to it.
Video will be up soon :) 

As you already know, our class is learning about the weather. The 3rd graders found out how to measure the wind with homemade anemometers. It was a perfect windy day to test them out. 

All week long, the 3rd graders have been working on their creative writing skills. I had them brainstorm the idea of finding a pot of gold. The students described what the pot would look like, where they found it, and what they did with all that gold. The final drafts were decorated and hung up. Let me tell you, there were some pretty interesting responses. I think there was one about finding the pot of gold in a sewer being protected by an alligator body guard. Oh the mind of a 9 year old....

By the way, the rainbow is made out of party streamers. It was a lot harder to create than it looks hah. 

If you haven't noticed, I really like using food during math lol. The students were introduced to our new lesson for this week, FRACTIONS (dun dun dunnnn) ahah. I never personally enjoyed fractions growing up, but I think I did a good job at making it a little more bearable for my kids.

 I gave each student a bag of M&Ms and they had to count up the total and then find out how many of each color they had. They had to write it down in fraction form. 

During the past few mornings, the 3rd graders were reading a non-fiction story about trees. I recently gave them a worksheet about dying celery stalks with food coloring. The students wanted to see this activity in action so I brought in some examples for the students to observer over the next few days. 

Today we took our math test on geometry. We had some time left over so I let the students group up into pairs and create their own 3D shapes with food. They said it was one of the funniest things we've done so far :) 

The kids got to see what happens when a cloud produces rain. I took a glass of water and topped it off with shaving cream. Then I took water that had blue food coloring in it and poured it over the shaving cream. As the shaving cream filled with the colored water, it got heavier until it eventually produced streaks throughout the bottom of the glass.