
Since this past week was PSSAs, I wanted to give the kids a break from the serious stuff and show them that math can be fun. 

Students were given a shopping list and grocery store guides. They needed to find the items on the list using the shopping guide and add up the total.

We played a review game to refresh our memories on the concepts we've learned over the past few months. When a team answered a question right, they got a piece to create a burger. Once their hamburger had 10 pieces, they win the game. 

We reviewed bar graphs using Froot Loops. Yum! 

With Earth Day right around the corner, I had my class write their promise to help make the environment a better place. We colored globes and decorated them with oatmeal painted green to look textured.  

Ahh I can't believe I haven't updated in over a week. Well we had the lovely PSSA testing over the past week and Wednesday was our last day. I figured the kids were going to need to celebrate their accomplishments so we made our own homemade chalk. I also had the students create tennis rackets out of paper plates and we used balloons as the balls. The kids had a wonderful time out in the sun. 

Dana Street went to the circus today. It was quite an adventure. The students loved the show and all the  treats hahha.

I finally finished creating our Science unit bulletin board. I think it turned out great.

I also had the student create blow paint raindrops.